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Essay/Term paper: Characteristics of a leader

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Argumentative Essays

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Characteristics of a Leader

Think of some important leaders you know, whether they are good or bad.
They may be ancient, modern, made-up, or real. There are certain characteristics
that make them a good leader, and, in the same line, a bad leader. In my opinion,
the three most important good qualities of leader are honor, loyalty, and
putting the people ahead of you.
The first of these qualities, honor, is required because you want your
people to trust you. Besides that, you want other leaders, from other nations to
trust you. If you were dishonorable no one would trust you and shame you, and
therefore shame your nation.
The second of these qualities is loyalty. If you weren't loyal, then no
one would trust you also. You would be dishonored, and probably disowned.
The last of these qualities is putting the people (your entourage) ahead
of yourself. If doing something will benefit the good of your country, but may
not benefit yourself as much, you should do what helps your country, even if it
means dying for them.
These are the most important, but not all of, the qualities you need to
be a leader. If you have these three and nothing else, you would still go down
in history as a great leader.


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